iconofficevvvc2014@gmail.com, officevvvc@vvvcollege.org


Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications (PG)
Academic Qualifications
  •   Ph.D. Computer Applications
    Year of Passing : 2014

     Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univeristy, Tirunelveli

  •   M.Phil.Computer Science
    Year of Passing : 2008

     Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal

  •   M.C.A.
    Year of Passing : 2003

     Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

  • NET
    Year of Passing : 2019

     NTA UGC - NET

Dr. B. SUBASHINI, M.C.A, M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications (PG)
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 16 years, 2 months
Lecturer, G.R.Damodaran Academy of Management, Coimbatore, 1 year
Lecturer, P.K.N. Arts & Science College, Tirumanagalam, 2 years
Research Area
Data Mining
Research Projects
An Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology on the Accounting Profession in Virudhunagar and Madurai Districts, V.V.Vanniaperumal College Managing Board, Co-Investigator, Completed
Revamping Brick and Mortar Stores in Semi Urban Market using E- Commerce Platform, V.V.Vanniaperumal College Managing Board, Co-Investigator, Completed
Chapters published
K.S Jeyalakshmi, B Subashini. A Generic Approach to Institutional Values and Best Practices of Higher Education Institutions, Proceedings of the NAAC Sponsored National Conference on Institutional Values and Best Practices, (March 2023). Publisher: V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, INDIA. ISBN: 978-81-951746-4-5. pp: 182 – 188
K.S. Jeyalakshmi, B. Subashini, A. Aruna Devi. Perception of Academicians on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Profession, Proceedings of the National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Business & Technology", HKBK Degree College, Bengaluru (May 2023), Shri Research Paper Publication, ISBN: 978 -81-963044-0-9
Journal Publication
Chitra, K. & Subashini, B. (2013). Automatic Credit Approval using Classification Method, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 4, Issue 7, July 2013, ISSN: 2229-5518
Chitra, K. & Subashini, B. (2013), Data mining techniques and its applications in the banking sector, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 8, August 2013, ISSN: 2250-2459
Chitra, K. & Subashini, B.(2013), Enhanced System for revealing fraudulence in credit card approval, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 8, August 2013, ISSN 2278-0181. doi : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS80393
Subashini, B. (2014), Fraud Detection System with Clustering in the Banking Sector, Multidisciplinary Research Journal of VVV College, Vol. I, Number 2, March 2014, ISSN: 2347-3967
Amutha, M & Subashini, B. (2015), Assessment of drinking water quality by using XLSTAT and WEKA software tools to provide a more accurate, efficient and Robust methods, Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchers, Vol. I, Special Issue: 2, February 2015, ISSN: 2349-8684
Aruna Devi, A. & Subashini, B. (2022). Innovative Marketing Practices of Clothing Stores in VUCA World, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Vol. XCV, No:2, 2022, ISSN: 0972-0766
Aruna Devi, A. & Subashini, B. (2022). Attitude of Customer towards Trend of Purchase PostPandemic in Retail Stores, Journal of the Oriental Institute, Vol. 71, Issue 01, No. 10, 2022, pp. 103-112, ISSN: 0030-5324
Aruna Devi, A., Subashini, B., Jeyalakshmi, K.S., (2023). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting Profession, South India Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. XXI, No. 18, January - June 2023, ISSN: 0972-8945
Subashini, B. & Jeyalakshmi, K.S., (2023). A Study on Cost Effectiveness in HEIs through Technology Advancement, South India Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. XXI, No. 19, January - June 2023, ISSN: 0972-8945
Paper Presentation
Subashini B, 2008, Impact of technology integration in large scale Industries, National Conference on Technology Integration – Problems and Prospects for Small & Medium Industry/Business, G R Damodaran Academy of Management, Coimbatore, 23.01.2008 - 24.01.2008
Subashini B, 2010, Mobile Computing, Sixth All India Conference of KAAS, S.T.Hindu College, Nagarcoil, 10.09.2010 -11.09.2010 ISBN: 978-81-8094-213-6
Chitra K, Subashini B, 2011, Customer retention in banking sector using predictive data mining technique, International Conference on Information Technology, Alzaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan, 11.05.2011 - 13.05.2011
Subashini B, 2011, Data mining in banking sector, Inter Departmental Level Meet organized by V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 20.12.2011
Subashini B, 2012, In plant Training – Need of the hour for Arts & Science Colleges, National Conference on Innovative Strategies in Teaching – Learning and Evaluation Process, V.V.Vanniapermal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 06.03.2012 - 07.03.2012
Chitra K, Subashini B, 2012, Fraud detection in the banking sector, National Seminar on Globalization and its emerging trends, N.M.S.S.V.N.College, Madurai, 28.12.2012
Chitra K, Subashini B, 2013, An efficient algorithm for credit card fraud, State level Seminar on Emerging Trends in Banking Industry, St. Xaviers College, Tirunelveli,11.03.2013. ISBN: 978-81-923975-5-9
Amutha M, Subashini B, 2015, Assessment of drinking water quality by using XLSTAT and WEKA software tools to provide a more accurate, efficient and Robust methods, National Seminar on Frontier areas in Chemistry, Thiagarajar college, Madurai, 26.02.2015 - 27.02.2015
Subashini B, 2019, Applications of Data mining in Environmental Sustainability, International Conference on Futuristic vision in Functional Management for Global Green Economy, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 21.08.2019 - 22.08.2019
Aruna Devi A, Subashini B, 2021, Role of Indian Banks in Reviving Retail Stores Post Pandemic, National Virtual Conference on Digi Transformation:A strategic resurgence of Pandemic for Indian Banks, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 24.09.2021. ISBN: 978-81-956419-1-8
Aruna Devi A, Subashini B, 2021, Revamping Brick and Mortar Grocery Stores using E Commerce Platform, International e-Conference on The Digital Transformation in Business Re-Engineering: Post Pandemic Era of Industry 5.0, Institute of Business Management and Rural Development, Ahmednagar, 26.08.2021 - 27.08.2021
Aruna Devi A, Subashini B, 2021, Innovative Marketing Practices of Clothing Stores in VUCA World, A two day virtual International Conference on Innovatinve Business Practices and Sustainability in VUCA World, Department of Accounting & Finance, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, 13.12.2021 - 14.12.2021
Aruna Devi A. & Subashini B, 2022, Attitude of Customer towards Trend of Purchase Post Pandemic in Retail Stores, Two Day virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Practices, Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship, University of Madras & Department of Commerce, Shri Krishnaswamy College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai, 17.02.2022 - 18.02.2022
Subashini B, Jeyalakshmi K.S, 2023, A Study on Cost Effectiveness in HEIs through Technology Advancement, National Seminar on Dynamics of Cost Excellence, Department of Commerce (Professional Accounting), V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 19.01.2023
K.S Jeyalakshmi, B Subashini. A Generic Approach to Institutional Values and Best Practices of Higher Education Institutions, NAAC Sponsored National Conference on Institutional Values and Best Practices at V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar, 24.03.2023
Aruna Devi A, Subashini B, Jeyalakshmi, K.S. 2023, Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting Profession, National Conference on Emerging Issues in Service Sectors (NESS-2023), Government Arts and Science College, Sivakasi, 06.04.2023
Jeyalakshmi K.S, Subashini B, Aruna Devi A. 2023, Perception of Academicians on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Profession, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business & Technology, HKBK Degree College, Bengaluru, 27.05.2023
B. Subashini, K.S. Jeyalakshmi, A. Aruna Devi. 2023, Perception of Clients on Digital Transformation of Accounting, II International Conference on Engineering, Social Sciences and Management ((ICESSM-2023), Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, India, 22.06.2023
K.S. Jeyalakshmi, B. Subashini, A. Aruna Devi. 2023, Need for development of Artificial Intelligence integrated skills among existing and future Accounting Professionals, National Seminar on Preparing HR for future AI-Driven Skills Development and Training Initiatives, Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women, Vaniyambadi, Tirupattur District, 19.10.2023 – 20.10.2023
Courses taught at UG level
Proramming in C
Programming in C++
Computer Networks
Mobile Application Development
Computer Graphics
Digital Logic
Programming in Java
Data Structures
Database Management Systems
Web Programming
Courses taught at PG level
Data Communications and Networks
Compiler Design
Computer Security
Emerging Trends in Computer Applications
Mobile Application Development
Software Engineering
Awards / Recognitions / Achievements
Subject Expert, Board of Studies of the Department of MCA, E.M.Gopalakrishna Kone Yadava Women’s College, Madurai on 18.11.2021
Guest Lecture on NET Programming in S.Vellaichamy Nadar College, Madurai on 28.03.2022